Saturday, 18 July 2015

Best friend vows.

Dear best friend,
On your birthday I vow that 
1) I shall duly be there for you when you are depressed because of your first heartbreak.
2) I accept my duty as the godmother of your future adopted kid(s).
3) I surely will attend the golf party you throw as the C.E.O of one of the leading companies.
4) I shall be the best maid of honour any girl could ever have i.e, if the probability of 0.000001% of you getting married happens.
5) I shall love you with all my heart even if you turn from being the “I see only happiness and everything is so good” to a hard core critic and pessimist like me.
6) I shall convince you to do stupid things which you would regret the next day but laugh about 40 years later.
7) I promise to let you have my very hot future boyfriend for a day.
Happy birthday girlie. :) 


  1. Believe me, your friend is so damn lucky. :')

  2. Hey Riya. :)
    Thanku so much.
    That's my sweet and simple reply
    Which I guess means everything
