Thankyou ClockeryFairfeld for the nominating me :) for the Liebster Awards.
According to the information I have gathered. The Liebster Awards are basically like the '20 facts about yourself' challenge on instagram, except that you are to answer 11 question by the nominator and nominate 11 other bloggers to answer your 11 questions. Anyways the following are the steps you have to follow if you been tagged !
1. Display the Liebster Award badge on your blog.
2. Thank and link back to the person who nominated you.
3. Answer the nominator’s 11 questions.
4. Nominate 11 other new bloggers.
5. Draft 11 new questions for the people nominated by you.
6. Notify your nominees.
So here are the 11 questions ClockeryFairfeld has for me:
1. What do you think is your purpose in life?
Hmm... My purpose in life.. Well I think the purpose behind my life is to increase the living population on earth xD Just kidding. To read all the existing books.
On the serious note I think the purpose behind my life is to help achieve perfect equality amongst men and women and to help the poor lead a better life.
2. Is there any person (real or fictional) who has a negative attitude but you sympathise with them?
Sir Nathuram Vinayak Godse.
Not that he had a negative attitude, but most people unfortunate people think he did.
That might be an irrelevant answer but I can't think of anybody except Hrithik Roshan in Dhoom 2 ( he was the villian).
Anyways I don't have a relevant answer for this question. Sorry.
Anyways I don't have a relevant answer for this question. Sorry.
3. What is the one thing you don’t like about yourself and would do anything to change?
I have been over mature for say 16 years (that's how old I am Bl ). So I don't think that I have enjoyed my childhood efficiently (really? Commerce has successfully grown on me). So yup, I would like to change that about my self.
4. Why do you blog publicly rather than writing your thoughts down only for yourself?
We live in a world with the ever growing population of 7.2 billion people. I believe that somewhere on this planet there is at least one person who is going through the same thing as I am. And I want to be able to comfort that person by letting them know that he/she is not alone. That there is someone who truely understands you.
This might sound crazy, but yeah.
This might sound crazy, but yeah.
5. If you could do only one thing all day long, then what would you do?
I would admire the beauty of nature.
6. What is your outlook towards the world?
The world is a merry place with over hyped, pretty internal as well as external issues.
7. If you die and go to heaven, what would you want it to be like?
My latest Harry Potter mania would not let me answer anything but Hogwarts.
8. Supposing you had only 24 hours more to live, what would you do in that time?
I would write to ask my dear ones or meet them in person if I could to tell them how amazing they are. Why only dear ones. I would tell as many people as I can.
9. Any person who you haven’t seen in a long time but still remember as though it was just yesterday you’d seen them?
Not just one but a lot. And I can't unveil there names unfortunately.
10. What do you think of your life so far?
My life so far has been fantastic and I would like to thank everyone who had made it that way.
11. What cheers you up when you’re down and not in the best moods?
Music. Ice cream. Shopping. Best friends. PASTA. :) .
Hope you are happy now ClockeryFairfeld after making my Sunday morning a brainstorm session!
I would further nominate
3- Somya Sahni.
4- Mihir Parmar.
6- Iza Ahsan.
7- Aishawarya Keyan.
So your set of questions are:
1) Describe yourself in a sentence.
2) What or who inspired you to start blogging?
3) What is the story behind your blog name?
4) Favourite book and why ?
5) Favourite author and why ?
6) What is your ultimate goal ?
7) Given the chance to publish one of your blogpost in the newspaper, which one would it be ?
8) The best quote according to you is ?
9) You are stranded on an island alone and you only get to carry two things. What would those be ?
10) Which language are you eagerly waiting to learn ?
And finally,
11) What do you think about my blog ?
Haha, I enjoyed reading your answers! ;D And yeah, I'm happy, thanks for asking. :-P