Anyways I don't have a relevant answer for this question. Sorry.
This might sound crazy, but yeah.
You see the gola wala standing right outside your building and are longing for a rose gola. But can't eat it because of the prevention alerts about the flu. Isn't that sad ? You spot these GORGEOUS HEELS but can't buy them as they are out of your budget. Isn't that sad ? You fall in love with a character and then realize it isn't real. Plain fantasy. Isn't that sad ? You see a VERY good looking guy and all you want to do is go straight towards him and do "things" with him. Five minutes of adoration later his girlfriend comes along and shatters your dreams. Isn't that sad ?
Well I miss those days when reasons behind your sadness were this simple. I miss how easy life was. How uncomplicated it was. How the secretest secret between you and your best friend was "I stole her eraser, don't tell her." How your parents knew the in and out of your life. How you had mistaken Nicholas Sparks for a female. How ice cream and chocolates could easily wash away your sadness. How everything was transparent. I miss those days of innocence and stupidity.
Gone are the times when everything was genuine and had a meaning. When an 'okay' just meant 'okay'. When there was a world outside gadgets and the internet. When conversations were face to face rather than on whatsapp. It's weird how the globe shrinked. And how materialism and selfishness is more common in people than humanity. The people in it seem to matter less. It's of little surprise to me how we're so taken by generally "nice" people. Because they're a dying breed.
Time and tide waits for no man. So do the changes that come with its passing. It is wise to accept the changes and find the silver lining of the cloud.
"No matter how much time passes, no matter what takes place in the interim, there are some things we can never assign to oblivion, memories we can never rub away."
P.S This is my first official Collab. I was honoured to work with Matt. Please do check his blog. He writes brilliant poetry !
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