Thursday, 28 August 2014

The Nameless Relationship.

This is killing me,
It is tearing me apart,
It is crushing my body,
It is torturing me,
It is sucking my soul,
I am having trouble breathing.

But I cannot end this,
No I cannot,
Not because I care about you,
But because a part of me lies in you,
A part which you stole years ago,
A part which can never come back.
And a part of you lies in me,
Close to my heart,
Attached to my soul,
Which you slowly poured inside me down the years.
It has now become my drug,
Which keeps me sane,
At the same time eats me deep inside.

You are not someone I love,
Nor are you someone I hate.
You are just a sour soul,
Trapped inside a rusted body.
You are a black magician,
Who tricked me into the trap.
You drugged me, you stole my soul,
You made my body your own.
You are a criminal,
And you should be sentenced to death.

This relationship that we have,
Is unknown to us, to our friends,
To our family, and to god himself.
And so it would be best to let the almighty decide,
What this relationship can be called. 

 P.S I know i write alot of post scripts, but eh whatever.
 Basically, there is this instagrammer called 'thegoodfornothing.' I don't know him personally and i dont even think he knows that i exist. So yeah,that guy has inspired me to write this , because he writes things like this and posts it on his page. I guess I should dedicate this to him or something. Pfft. Nevermind. Happy reading, though it is a sad post.


  1. I'm glad to have inspired. This is nicely written and the words seem like being poured out from an honest heart and I love that.

    1. Thankyou for reading this. Means a lot.:)

  2. It's sad on what I remember when I read this, it reminds me of my Xbox ��
