Saturday, 31 January 2015

Book(s) Review - January.

Heya fellas, wassup ! I am sorry for not posting a lot this month, as usual I was busy reading because my mom won't let me read next month. Got my finals coming. Anyways, I have a good news for you guys. I have decided to post monthly reviews of novels I read in that specific month on the last day of the month. Yaay.
So these are the minuscule reviews of the novels I have read this month. :)
1- The immortals of Meluha (Amish Tripathi) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ and a half. Amazing, gripping, compelling novel. However I must admit I was reluctant to read Meluha for no explicit reason. Can't wait to read the sequels !!
2- P.S I love you ( Cecelia Ahern) ⭐⭐⭐⭐. Beautiful concept, beautifully written and a must read. You get so engrossed in the novel that you feel you are there witnessing all the events. The novel is better than the movie. And I would love to have a family like hers. 
3- The Kite Runner ( Khaled Hosseini) ⭐⭐⭐ and a half. Coming from the author of A Thousand Splendid Suns, this wasn't his best work. There were twists and turns after every page which wasn't required. But a good read. Waiting for Khaled Hosseini to write outside his periphery of struggle and pain.
4- Paper Towns ( John Green) ⭐⭐⭐⭐. Amazing book for teens. Has all the elements a teen craves for- romance, fun, affliction, suspense, thriller and what not.  But I would still pick Looking for Alaska over this one.
5- Eleven minutes - ⭐⭐⭐. I know its for "adults" but come on if you have read 50 shades of Grey already, it doesn't matter. A good book throwing light on the life of a prostitute.
6- The year I met you (Cecelia Ahern) ⭐⭐⭐⭐. What I like about this book is that it breaks the stereotype it solely creates by its title. And it is not exactly a love story. It is definitely a good read.
" Sometimes you have to stop still in order to move on... "
7- The Catcher in the rye (J.D Salinger) Well I have just started this book. Review in Feb 

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Recipe of a cake.

Hello friends. How have you been? I know I have been away for a little while now, but that was because I was into novels and chocolates. Anyways, I am back now Bl !

   So today I have decided to share with you all a simple recipe of an eggless cake. I had made one for Christmas and it turned out to be great except a little under baked ! You can make this for any occasion.

   Baking a cake in this effortless world is extremely simple. But only a few can master it, particularly because they miss out the intrinsic ingredient. So let's rush to the ingredients needed and procedure.

Ingredients needed :-

1- Butter.

2- Milk.

3- One packet of cake mix (Preferred flavour).

4- Choco chips.

5- Secret ingredient. (Read further to unveil).

Procedure and its association with life:-

Step 1- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease and flour the cake pan. (Prepare yourself for the tough times and the ups and downs you will have to face sooner or later).

Step 2- Empty the cake mix in a bowl.  (Fill your brain with whatever knowledge you acquire and experiences you gain).

Step 3-  Add as much butter and milk as mentioned on the pack of cake mix. (Practicalize the knowledge you have gained).

Step 4-  Whip it continuously and get rid of all the air bubbles. (Work hard, no matter what. Don't let yourself ignore hardwork durning the period of success).

Step 5- Add Choco chips to the batter.( Don't live a sad life. Add excitement to it, so that you don't get bored of it).

Step 6- Add the secret ingredient.( i.e, excitement, happiness and love).

Step 7- Empty the batter into the prepared cake pan and bake it for 35-40 mins. (Pass on all your knowledge and experiences to the young disciples of the world).

 Your cake is ready to serve. Best served hot. :). Oh and I almost forgot- HAPPY NEW YEAR !! :* . Hope you all find this recipe of life important and imply it to your lives this year - 2015.